Use Case


Boost operational efficiency with real-time location systems (RTLS) and automated order tracking for full transparency and traceability. Enhance assembly automation to increase speed, optimize quality, and maximize output. RTLS tracks assets, improving workflows, and reducing waste and downtime.

Boost Manufacturing Efficiency with Precise Location Tracking & Status Monitoring

Real-time Location Systems (RTLS) play a crucial role in optimizing production processes in the modern Smart Factory. By integrating material flow, information flow, automation, and process optimization with real-time location tracking, RTLS provides visibility and transparency in manufacturing. RTLS enables real-time tracking of equipment locations and progress, allowing managers to identify resource misallocations and improvement areas. With fast data capture and analysis, managers can deploy resources rapidly and prevent costly errors. Automated asset tracking reduces the need for manual data entry, lowering labor costs and contributing to optimizing production processes. By using RTLS in production tracking, manufacturing companies can increase efficiency, flexibility, and transparency while improving quality standards and OEE. With a high ROI, RTLS is the perfect solution to achieve a highly efficient, digitally connected, flexible, transparent shop floor.

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Production Tracking Use Cases (2)

Benefits of RTLS for Production Tracking

Example Uses for
Production Tracking Software

  • Continuous Production Tracking

    Enable continuous real-time tracking of products and assemblies to ensure immediate visibility of production status, early detection of bottlenecks, and quicker response to delays.
  • Automated Plausibility Check for Components and Assemblies

    Automate plausibility checks for components and assemblies to ensure correct configuration, reduce rework, and maintain consistent quality and accuracy.
  • Automated Tool Release

    Improve assembly quality by automating manual processes and enabling intelligent real-time tool release for precise control.
  • Tool and Resource Tracking

    Precisely track tools, machines, and other resources within the production environment to optimize resource utilization and prevent losses or theft.
  • Automated Production Order Bookings

    Track every movement within the production environment in real-time, reduce manual booking processes, and integrate seamlessly with third-party systems.
  • Real-time Notifications and Material Supply

    Keep production managers informed about critical process steps, quality issues, and material requirements in real-time, enabling quick responses and reducing production stoppages.
  • Process Rules and Automatic Process Triggers

    Automate responses to assembly errors with process rules and triggers that ensure quality and correctness throughout the entire production cycle. Set up geofences and triggers to access order-specific information and initiate additional setup processes, improving operational efficiency.

How Production Tracking Works with Inpixon RTLS

Inpixon RTLS enhances production tracking by providing a comprehensive real-time view of the entire manufacturing process through its advanced RTLS platform. This platform leverages nodes and tags placed strategically within the production environment to continuously monitor the position and movement of products, tools, and resources. The tags, attached to key assets, communicate with the nodes to relay precise location data back to the RTLS platform, which processes this information to create an up-to-the-minute map of all ongoing production activities. This system enables the instant detection of workflow disruptions, such as bottlenecks or delays, and facilitates rapid corrective actions. Moreover, the RTLS platform integrates seamlessly with third-party systems, automating data capture and ensuring that production information is always up-to-date and accurate. By minimizing manual interventions and reducing errors, Inpixon RTLS provides manufacturers with full visibility into their production processes, ultimately improving efficiency, quality, and overall operational performance.

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Production Tracking Building Blocks

Every business has unique production tracking needs. That’s why we designed our RTLS platform to be highly flexible and adaptable, enabling you to utilize a variety of technologies for a wide range of production tracking applications. Our platform integrates effortlessly with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), asset management systems, IoT platforms, and other external solutions, offering customized, location-aware hardware and software to address your specific production challenges.

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