September 13, 2021

Exploring IoT Connectivity Options


The article 'Exploring IoT Connectivity Options' featuring Adam Benson appeared in IoT World Today.

"However, each IoT wireless connectivity option brings inherent advantages and disadvantages, said Adam Benson, chief technology officer of Inpixon.

The tradeoffs involve factors such as range (i.e., the distance the signals travel), power consumption (i.e., hard-wired power versus battery-powered and battery life), bit rate (i.e., how much data can be sent and how fast), resistance to interference (i.e., some technologies handle signal reflection and absorption better than others), location accuracy (how precise a fixed or moving device can be pinpointed), real-time versus near real-time (e.g., this second versus a few seconds ago) and price."

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Topic(s): Media Coverage


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